Thursday, February 10, 2011

Excellent Customer Service From NYP's In-House Attachment

Tan Li Wei (right) always go the extra mile for his customers at Health@NYP teaching drug store!
If there was a Best Employee Award for Health@NYP teaching drug store employees, Tan Li Wei could be in the running for one.

During his three-month attachment at the store, Li Wei, a third year Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences student, impressed many of the store’s customers with his excellent customer service skills and product knowledge. He was always eager to help and attentive to his customers’ needs.

Health@NYP is a teaching drugstore that trains Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences students in pharmacy practice, pharmacy operations and business operations as early as in the second year of the course.  It stocks over-the-counter and medicinal products for common ailments, hair care, dermatological use, dental care, and health supplements.

“Having a personal touch is important. You don’t want customers to come in, ask for something and you don’t know what you are selling. So I surf the internet for information, and read online reviews on the products sold in the store. I also listen to the customers’ feedback,” said Li Wei.

Li Wei enjoys interacting with people and would go the extra mile to please his customers. That extra effort paid off when some of them became regular customers.

“I had one customer who preferred to speak to me even when I was away from the store. So she asked for my number and called me. She wanted me to recommend some supplements to her. Another customer approached me during my lunch break to ask me how to use a product which she had bought earlier,” recalled Li Wei with a laugh.

And it was not just the store’s customers who took notice.

A senior sales executive from Bioderma was curious when sales of some of their product flew off the shelves, from a just 2 pieces per month to 70 pieces a month!

“She was curious when there was a sudden spike in sales so she came down to the store to find out why. She even brought along her colleague to test my product knowledge of their products. She was impressed and offered me a job as a product advisor,” he said.

Although it is a teaching drug store, the lecturers and their students come up with ways to improve the sales and profitability of the outlet.

Lecturer Ms Teng Siew Li, who is in charge of the store operations, said that Li Wei is an exceptional student who took his attachment very seriously. She said, “He was very active in coming up with a business proposal for Health@NYP to improve its sales. He treated the store as if it was his own.  He also distinguished himself by consistently submitting exceptionally creative and well-thought advertising posters which were distributed around the NYP campus for promotional purposes.”

His other suggestions include discontinuing products that are not doing well, introducing new products and starting a customer loyalty programme.

Li Wei plans to further his studies in business management and marketing.

“I hope to be well-versed not just in Pharmaceutical Sciences but in marketing as well. If possible, I would like to run my own pharmacy retail outlet one day,” he said.

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